Friday, March 21, 2008

Kelton's 4th Grade Masterpiece

You know at the beginning of the term when the teacher is having the parent teacher conference and you nearly pass out at the amount of work that YOU not your child is going to have to do for upcoming "science fairs. book reports, and county projects." Well Kelton's teacher slammed us with two of them this term starting with a county report that didn't just have one project to complete it... OH NO... we have 5 thats right FIVE!!! Kelton was chosen to do his report on Box Elder County, which didn't seem so terrible. We managed to create a float, brochure, homemade item, locate a product made or that represented the county, as well as a written report. He had the opportunity to present them all at the 4th grade program this past week. Here is a couple pictures, hope you enjoy!!


Victoria said...

Wow! Thats a neat project. Can you believe how much it changes when they hit 4th grade. Maybe Utah's a little more demanding than ID. We've done a few but nothing that big. GOOD JOB KELTON!

Collings Family said...

I can't believe all of that work! I was just overwhelmed by all the stuff I had to do for kindergarten. Good job Kelton!

Tracy Collings said...

We just did the same thing for Conner last year. I didn't think anyone else had to do floats! They really make a big deal about it don't they? This year Conner had to memorize the Preamble to the Constitution, and write a report on a President of the US. It's all about America in 5th grade. Good Luck!

Sandi Collings said...

LOL Tracy, why don't you just send me Conner's. Just Kidding. It's quite an ordeal these "projects"